Monday, September 24, 2012


Friday morning I flew to Phoenix for work. I don't often travel for work so it's always a disruption, a shock to everyone's system. As I sat on the plane, reading a book and sipping coffee, I, as usual, thought about the family I'd left behind. There were two little girls sitting dazed in the back seat from the early morning wake-up call to get me to the plane on time. And there was the man driving me to the airport without complaint; he took the day off of work, woke up the girls, changed diapers, dressed them and then, after dropping me off, took them out to breakfast - what The Princess deemed "the best place ever!"

I have to balance a lot, like every other woman out there. Work, children, housework, cooking, being a wife and mother. And then there's just being me, sometimes as an after thought, sometimes as an appropriate priority, sometimes as a completely selfish act. But I have a partner who helps me balance, who's willingness to take over and step in wordlessly keeps this teeter-totter calm and steady, even when I'm flailing around on my end.

So, I sat there wondering what they were eating for breakfast, how they were going to fill the day, hoping he'd get a nap in the afternoon...but I didn't worry. He's got it under control, whether it's different from how I do it or not. He's my counterpart, my right hand and left hand, and the one that let's me pursue my life outside of the walls of our home with words of love and encouragement.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got some time away and that your hubby was so good about it! I'm sure it was a great time for all of you, in different ways.
