Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Taunting Me In Her Sleep

No, she's not hiding. This is how she sleeps. Every night I have to go in, pull the blanket off her face and make sure she's still breathing. Yet another example of how the "self-preservation" gene is just a myth.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Wild Eyed

So right now I'm living on lattes and adrenaline. Which means that I'll probably look like this when you see me.

It's rather exhilarating.

When I'm not working, this is what I look like.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Afternoon Visitor

The Princess has been collecting acorns and storing them out on our little deck. 

They've been discovered.

The Princess has plans to replenish her supply.
I'm not sure that we really want the word to get out in squirrelville though!

Friday, November 8, 2013


I didn't notice that she still had Bear in her hand until I looked at the picture later.
I guard Bear very carefully, I'd be as devastated as she would be if anything ever happened to him.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013


We went apple tasting.
There are a TON of apples. 


Sweetpea was done halfway through. Appled-Out! 

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Goldfish and The Butterfly

Every year I get challenged on at least one of the two Halloween costumes I'm requested to provide. This year, thanks to Aunt Gretchen's stash of high quality paints and our high quality diaper boxes, we spent a lot of time painting our masterpieces and I really only had to stretch my brain for the goldfish.

The Princess and I were both quite pleased with our creations.

Sweetpea was completely confused as to what we were doing. Until the person answering the door at the first house put candy in her basket and then she was fully prepared to run up to each and every door.

It was the girls first experience trick or treating in a neighborhood (as opposed to the zoo or the mall) and, to quote Sweetpea "THIS IS AWESOME!"

Only 364 days until we can do it again. (No word yet on the costume requests for next year, but the animal theme seems to be strong so place your bets accordingly.)