Monday, July 18, 2011

The Sweetness in the Bottom of the Pie

There are so many good books out there. So many books that are insightful, important, gripping and even life changing. I've reviewed a couple here and have so many others on my "favorites" list.

But, then there's another classification, the ones that just make me smile. They're whimsical, charming, enchanting, funny and poignant. They're the ones that I want to read over and over and make mental notes to share with friends and now with my daughters. They're the ones that come alive and set up shop in your brain and maybe your soul. I'm thinking Anne of Green Gables, Emily of New Moon, Betsy and Tacy...and now, Flavia de Luce.

I just finished The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley. I was in love by the second page. Seriously, how a seventy year old man can write a book about a precocious eleven year old girl solving a murder mystery while obsessing about chemistry and plotting revenge on her older sisters is beyond me. It was, in a word, delightful!

It was a fast and funny read - perfect for summer.  Go out and get it - it'll definitely put the "sweet" into your summer!

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